Reviews for Written In Water

Review by Carol Standish for Maine Harbours HERE

     "What an adventure. Great sea tale as well as one of perseverance. I could totally empathize with the life questions, the need to do something, and once taking that step, dealing with all the fear, wetness, coldness, heat, filthy fingernails, loneliness and doubts that are all part of the package.  You and [Effie] must have made a beautiful sight pulling into ports.  If you do much reading underway, you will know that different passages can be hugely flavored by the books... my trip to the Canaries has definitely been made more colorful by the tales of a Scotian Sailor!"

-Tania Aebi, Solo circumnavigator, author of Maiden Voyage, and I've Been Around

     "Loads of people dream of starting fresh, running off and letting their hearts and dreams guide them for better or for worse... here's a girl who actually went ahead and did it. This sailing story isn't all perfect anchorages and smooth sailing, it is a real picture of the mental and physical joys and pains of living on a wooden boat. Hurrah for a great read from a tough-as-hell Nova Scotian sailor!
Read this book. Plan on doing nothing else until you've finished it, and be prepared to be inspired.
Thank you Laura!"

-Sophie Martel, Professional sailor