Annie Laurie is put to bed for the time being, in Palm Coast, Florida. I'm now aboard my friend's sloop, Nirmala, in Squamish, British Columbia. I'm so happy to be back in Canada. Although it's 4000 miles from my home province, I feel like I'm home. Effie's on fake pregnancy number 3, I believe. We're just home from a
So far, we've sailed to Gibsons, a small town on the Sunshine Coast only accessible by water, and paid a visit to Molly's Reach, to all you avid Beachcombers fans who recall the little pub from the longest running series on CBC. Tomorrow we leave for Vancouver Island where we hope to meet up with some very important people in our lives, after which our journey north will begin. If everything goes as planned, we will make our way to Alaska by the end of August.
I'm on the fence as to whether or not to keep this blog going. I enjoy writing, but there are times where there's too much living to do to justify spending time behind this screen.